Jet Pumps

Jet Pumps

  • Above ground solution, non-submersible
  • Convenient and affordable option
  • Easy installation and servicing
  • Portable, can be moved to water source

Shallow Well Jet Pumps

For short set applications under 25 feet deep

Sta-Rite Shallow Well Jet Pump

Deep Well Jet Pumps

For wells greater than 25 feet deep

Goulds Deep Well Jet Pump

Convertible Jet Pumps

Best for wells with fluctuating water table levels

Goulds Convertible Jet Pump

Multi-Stage Jet Pumps

Multiple impellers for higher pressures

Berkeley Multistage Jet Pump
Jet Pump Flow How

What are Jet Pumps?

Jet pumps are an above ground (non-submersible) pump commonly used to draw water from a well through a suction pipe in order to provide potable water or water pressure in residential applications. It can also be used to move water long distances, such as from rivers, lakes or streams to a holding tank across a field.

Shallow Well Jet Pump

Best for short set applications under 25 feet deep.

Deep Well Jet Pump

Preferred solution for wells greater than 25 feet deep.

Convertible Jet Pump

Can be used in either shallow or deep wells.

Multistage Jet Pump

Multiple impellers for higher pressure.

Jet pumps generally deliver water and water pressure to a household or small sprinkler system. They can circulate water in loop systems and are available in different Horsepower (HP) options to suit your individual application.


Best for:

  • Supplying water to a home from a water well
  • Supplying water to a sprinkler system
  • Residential water pressure boosting
  • Small farm irrigation

Jet pumps are powered by an electric motor that drives a centrifugal impeller. The impeller moves water, called drive water, from the well through a nozzle, or jet, which increases the speed of the water. As water leaves the jet, a partial vacuum is created which sucks additional water up from the well. Directly behind the jet is a venturi valve that increases in diameter and helps slow down the water and increase the pressure. This increased pressure allows the pump to move water at a higher PSI into the plumbing system.

Whether your application is for a shallow or deep well, we have what you need. We can help you choose a stock jet pump, or our in-house engineering staff can provide design expertise to create the best packaged system for your unique needs.

Michell Lewis & Staver Go-To Pro

Earl Mallet

Earl Mallet

Having worked in this industry since 1991, I have helped size a pump for just about every water application in need of one. From well drilling and water systems, to wastewater and agriculture, I enjoy getting out in the field to visit with customers, help design systems, and produce solutions. Working with Mitchell’s means you are part of a team, a family, and our customers are part of that.


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